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Author: Ash (Page 1 of 9)

Rough Draft of Artist Statement

In the world there are many ups and downs. Throughout time humans have tried to make changes for what they believed was correct and till this day we still do that. As we try to make these changes we never try to think of consequences and this can result in many disastrous situations. My interest as of now is the modern world and how we are trying to make changes for the right reasons but we are not making the changes in the right way. What I’m speaking of is the defunding of the police. As I wrote it was about the repercussions of what defunding the police will and is doing. The inspiration came from my own thoughts of how will we be affected if we defund the very system that we give our tax dollars to so that system can protect us from danger. As my writing explained what would be the results of defunding the police my main concern came in, the concern that was hidden behind my first writing which is how do we make sure our changes don’t bite us back? As I continued to think how I would answer this question I believed the best way to answer this question was to write a short story. This short story would help intrigue my audience as well as inform. Choosing my audience was simple as my audience would be those who are at their peak to make change and are at the age of their life where it’s time to make change for their lives and the lives of those who will come after. My audience is those who are 18-25 these are young men and women on their road to make their careers, to change their lives, and make decisions politically and will change the world. I want to talk about this idea because it’s for many of us young people who are stepping into a new life, a new world of adventure which includes happiness and sadness to know change is okay as long as we know when we make a change it brings more positives than negatives and we don’t create consequences which would hurt us and cause us struggle for us and the next generation to come. I will try to bring a new light to the idea of change and hopefully try to give a good way to help us all understand change and see how changes can affect us in both positive and negative ways through determining consequences and this will help us with future changes we want to make. Trying to make this idea work I use the idea of writing a short story which will help capture my idea in a fun way while being able to explain simply enough the answers to the question. This short story will be a story of two people who will try to bring change and this change causes consequences. One character will bring great change and the consequences will be positive while the other brings terrible change and brings only negative consequences. This short story will be the best to capture how when done correctly you have great change while when done wrong you have negative change. So far my short story has been somewhat decent as I’ve been trying to think of how to make them work side by side my characters and show the extent of what we as the people or as individuals can do when trying to make change. What I would have done differently so far is try to bring more perspectives from the outside meaning try to talk to others and find out their views on change and see what they think and create characters based on that and then have some people read my story to give feedback.

Post and dej 11/7

In this reading I learned that many people find it annoying when it comes to quotations and fixing them can make writing a lot better. The author comments also readers not finding authors who sound rude and ignorant appealing and you are more likely to be looked at as a joke. This is intriguing as we all may easily fall into sounding rude or ignorant so be careful on how we write is key. The authors one fix on having someone listen to you saying your essay out loud will help is a great tip I feel as it would help your own essay as you are more likely to find mistakes and fix them. The question I have on sources is how do we learn how to use them in a short amount of time? As there are many different ways to use sources according to this one writing and how do we become efficient quickly would be the main goal for many.

My intended audience for unit 3 are those who may not see the other side of the picture for why we should not rush into making changes without seeing the repercussions of the change.  Let’s take the example of defunding the police “In Milwaukee, homicides are up 37% so far this year, on pace to break the record of 167 in 1991, which included 16 murders by convicted serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Homicides so far this year in Chicago are ahead of the pace of 2016, which marked the city’s highest tally since 1996. In New York and Los Angeles, which have seen falling numbers of homicides for years, killings this year are up 23% and 11.6%, respectively. Kansas City, Mo., has recorded 99 killings since January, far outpacing any record for the first six months of the year.” (“Police Wrestle With Surge in Crime in U.S. Cities Amid Defunding Efforts” by Julie wernau and Joe Barrett ). This is something I would like to show those who I intend to show my writing to two writers who are reliable on information and go through the research to find out what has been happening throughout the country especially on the larger cities. They show reports of homicides going up in cities and increasing as a alarming rate which is a cry for we need more help from the police instead of trying to defund them which would cause more increase in crimes such as homicides, shootings etc. Milwaukee is on set to break the record for homicides this year which isn’t a good record to break at all rather it is one of the worse things to break. The homicides rates being down let’s us know that the city is becoming safer and this brings ease to everyone in the community but once the rates go up even a little that should be alarming and while a little is bad going up 37% in homicides is horrific and this leads to a lot of chaos and this is a reason to why we shouldn’t defund police. So when looking at it we should try to make change but first seeing how the impacts would be rather not just rushing into it and then seeing consequences we never would wish for.

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