A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Time Capsule

Dear future self,
When your reading this you will be at the end of the semester, you will Inshallah have passed the course. Everything might have been difficult due to the pandemic but I know you can handle the pressure. But sometimes you can be lazy and distracted, so hopefully, when you read this you have changed that. You love to Procrastinate too, present-day self just did this assignment even knowing about for a few days, you gotta change that throughout the semester. You need to stay focused at all times and be up to date with everything so that you don’t slip and fall behind like you have before. Leaving assignments for the last day is not going to cut it anymore, This class especially, this class is going to help you in your life every day. Talking, texting, calling, writing, this class will help you with your career, you need to take it seriously, it won’t be easy, your life you thought that everything would be a breeze now you know how it is, you need to take advantage of it now and get your things together man.

Finding Freedom from Fear and Silencing Self-Doubt | CBN.com

This Picture represents how you usually deal with situations you don’t like, you always tell yourself you can’t do it and you give up on it. When you come back at the end of the semester the T better be cut off and you have better been able to do anything that life has thrown at you.

Sincerely, Farhan Firoz

1 Comment

  1. Mahmudur Rafei

    Amazing message on optimism and positivity!

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