A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Time Capsule.

Dear future self,

You have put up with all the dire situations you’ve come across till now and I am proud of you. However, you know that you are a bit lazy and that you love to procrastinate. I hope by the time you get to read this note again, you have learnt to discipline yourself and by discipline I specifically mean getting your work done and using your time in the most efficient way. I hope you have become more compassionate to others and to yourself. I know that sometimes life doesn’t go as expected and that you face a lot of obstacles on your way to fulfill your dreams. Just remember to take it easy and to enjoy the process. I know you will also work to use all your extra hours to provide for yourself and take care of yourself. You have to understand that there is no one else to provide for you and that you are responsible for yourself. With all this being said, I’m proud of youMotivating Sales Teams to Increase Sales Performance - Trigerz

1 Comment

  1. Farhan Firoz

    I like what you wrote and i am going to use some of the advice you gave yourself for my future self, and hopefully its not a problem that we both used the same picture.

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