A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Week 2 / August 31st – September 4th Assignments

Week 2  / August 31st – September 4th

Goals for the week:

  1. Write a “time capsule” to your future self.  
  2. Make at least two comments about your colleagues’ time capsules.  

Due:  Wednesday, September 2nd by 11:59 p.m.  Please post this under “Discussions” in the “Intro” folder only.

MAKE:  A message to your end-of-the-semester self. In this time capsule, I want you to send a message to your end-of-the semester self about your goals, your hopes for the year, and maybe some pitfalls you feel you might be up against.  Please also think about how writing will help you achieve your future goals– not just for the end of the semester, but beyond.  

One catch: it can’t be just writing– there have to be some images or sounds in there!  Whatever you think will help us get to know you and your experiences better. You can even make a video. Or record an audio file and link to it. Or draw something and upload the image. Whatever you want. Remember: we’re all about composing in the 21st century, so feel free to do what you think would be interesting for us to see/hear/learn about. 

Due:  Friday, September 4th by 11:59 p.m.  

GET TO KNOW: Look at your colleagues’ time capsules and start a conversation!  Make at least two comments.  Kind comments only!


  1. Mashfia

    A message to my self would be I hope you completed your semester, even though online semester can be hard meeting professor online not face to face , the work is over loaded even though the classes short. making sure the date is right to send the homework. the first thing you’ll miss is the chatter of your physical classroom. miss going hallways being with your friends. Now is the time to be independent and focus on your career . It can be challenging at times but over time it will be fine.

  2. wilber rivera

    a message to me at the end of the semester would be im glad u made it this far! now that u know u made it this far u can make it even farther. use the knowledge u have gathered in the past years and use it in the future to become someone who u never knew u would become. even though u think its impossible just remember u made it this far and u will love who u become in the future because u kept pushing urself to do this so u know what it means to be someone.

    • Lisa Cole

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