In our lives, schooling is so necessary. With a good education, individuals will get good jobs and build a promising future. Our lives can be influenced by schooling. Studying will make someone’s life a success. I went to the village to visit my grandparent’s house when I was in Bangladesh (where I grew up). I’ve been spending time with friends of my family. We then decided to go out and see our friends. That day, I met lots of people. I met a lot of people, and some of them were children. An older girl who was teaching them was there for free. Since there was no ability for such children to pay for tuition. Schools are not open in Bangladesh. There, people would pay for college. Owing to the fact that many children do not get the simple skills we learn from school, education is not free there. These kids were in a normal place, they were not in a school. The day was sunny. There was a fan there. Those kids suffered until they understood the value of schooling. There is no way to go without school. If you want a strong study of life, it will benefit you. Those children knew that if they learned, they could get good work. I’m lucky that a have this opportunity for education.  Nelson Mandela once stated that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” I strongly agree that education can make us strong. It does not only alter the universe, but it is the most powerful instrument that a human can possess. In today’s world, education is very important and highly valued; it is also essential for progress in life. Training is intended to provide students with the requisite qualities that will prepare them later in life for the world of work. The education system also aims to impart society’s ideals and morality to people. The government should pay serious attention to and economically finance education, but this is often not the case. The phase of gaining knowledge is power. There is no worth without education in this century. So, education is important. we should increase our general knowledge by taking advice and learn from our mistakes. Each child has various levels of understanding, but they are improved and strengthened by education. Education’s value should never be compromised. People all over the world believe that the secret to a stable mind and a good life is knowledge. The value of education is well understood, which is why education is still given priority as a national agenda. The government is specifically attacking the very cause of illiteracy and is working hard to eliminate illiteracy. Different literacy programs are administered by the government, such as an adult literacy scheme, a continuing education program, a weekend and part-time study program, a mid-day lunch program, a free education program, etc. The success rate of these interventions is consistent but progressive. A country that is well educated makes a great nation. In our lives, we should follow the phrase ‘Each One Teaches One.’ We should teach those around us who are not educated, and even informal education is better than no education at all. Let us take the uneducated to the light of learning, and let the glory of our nation shine. 



When I was a kid I wanted to be a pilot. For me, it was kinda interesting at that time. If I become a pilot could fly. The pilot can fly I used to think like that. So, I wanted to fly too. I was so curious about the pilot. Becoming a pilot is a great choice for the future. Pilots can go lots of places while they are working. I used to ask people about it that how can you get there if you want to be a pilot? what should be my major? I wanted to travel to different countries and places. I wanted to know about different people’s culture.  But I feel like I lost my interest in it now. When I started going to school, I started to focus on different things like study. So, I went to the school in Bangladesh(where I grew up). I feel like in my country, our system is not that good. Our government just force students to pass the examinations. There is no free time to think about the student’s hobbies. I lived in Bangladesh I know how much pressure they put on students since they are a kid. I feel like students don’t have enough to think about what they like or not. Students just study to pass the examinations. They are destroying their dreams. I started having pressure on the study. So, I started losing interest in these things. Over time, I released that I feel scared of heights a lot. So, I feel like the pilot is not good for me. I think I’m getting to change a lot. So, I feel like the pilot is not my type anymore. I’m going on different ways in life. I think other things are more interesting now. I still love the sky but afraid of height, also I  feel like I don’t have the patience to sit somewhere for hours. Now I like technology a lot, coding, designing, art. I found peace in those things that are I like now.



The topic is global warming.  



Fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and gas are increasing the percentage of carbon dioxide in our environment. Because of carbon dioxide, the weather is changing, it’s getting worst. Because of bad Weather, floating is happening, the temperature is increasing. People are losing their homes, family members, food, etc.  We are cutting trees every single day. Only trees can give us oxygen and we need oxygen to live. So, trees are one of the most important things. Plastics are killing our environment because we can not recycle plastic.



What is the change that can help us to save our environment?

How can we stop using plastic?



Since 1870, global sea levels have risen by about 8 inches.

There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any point in the last 800,000 years.

According to the U.S. Global Change Research Program, the temperature in the U.S. has increased by 2 degrees in the last 50 years and precipitation has increased by 5%.

Though Americans make up just 4 percent of the world’s population, we produce 25 percent of the carbon dioxide pollution from fossil-fuel burning — by far the largest share of any country.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has both the authority and responsibility to reduce pollution from electric power plants under the Clean Air Act, the nation’s bedrock air pollution law adopted in 1970.


Still Want To Know

What kinds of chemicals can destroy plastic?

When we can not recycle something what do we do with it?



Global doesn’t need us, we need Global

In unit #2, I wrote an Annointed Bibliography about Global warming “Global doesn’t need us, we need Global.” I picked this topic because this is one of the most important things but no one is talking about it and don’t serious about our future generation. After 50 or 70 years maybe there will be no human, animals, trees alive. We just thinking about ourselves right now. We are using lots of plastic bags, cutting trees, making lots of factories for business, using cars all those are increasing carbon dioxide. Greta Thunberg impressed me a lot. Last year I saw her videos and those videos inspired me. Greta Thunberg skipped her school and then she sat down on the street to protect. We can’t go back but we can change our lifestyle. We can’t be selfish, we have to be make a change in our own self for our future. I feel like lots of things happening in our environment that are harmful but we are not taking care of our environment. Because of global warming, there are lots of other things are happening such as deforestation, greenhouse gas, air pollution, etc. All of those problems related to global warming. All I know is we should get serious and we should start taking little steps for saving our environment. This world is our home. If we destroy this our home then where will we stay in the future? So, that’s why we should do something like stop using plastic, plant more trees, etc. I think our government should be more careful about global warming. The amount of Carbon dioxide in our environment is a lot. Because of pollution, people are getting sick, the weather is changing a lot, etc. In the future, pollution will create more problems and that will affect our health and life. The production of chemicals in the environment that are harmful to the health of humans and animals, or that do damage to the planet or materials, is air pollution. Water is getting dirty too because of factories. They throw lots of plastic things into oceans and then fish and other animals try to eat that plastic because they don’t the difference. And plastic doesn’t get mix with anything. After years and years, researchers found that plastic doesn’t recycle. On the other hand, some of them tried to burn plastic but they saw it makes air pollution a lot and that’s not good for our environment. I think we should stop using plastic bottles and we should use glasses bottles. Then we should stop using plastic bags on market. On the other hand, we can use cotton bags. It could be more helpful for our environment.