Cunningham, Terry. “Religion vs Spirituality: What Are the Similarities and Differences?,” May 14, 2018.
Religion is an organized system of beliefs and practices.Spirituality is a broad concept that focuses on the connection of the self to something bigger. It deals with existential questions like our place in the universe and the meaning of life. Religion is an institution that was created by another person. Spirituality is something only you can find inside yourself.Sometimes people can be forced into religion. spirituality is something no one, can decide for you. Self discovery makes spirituality great.I agree with Cunnigham. I strongly believe religion is a man-made structure. It makes you question, Who came up with all these rules, that restrict humans from living a certain way. Is it god? A High Being ? or is it the flawed human ? . It so hard trying to live a life from a book, that was written by humans , versus connecting with god, and finding everything theres is about life , within you. This article helps me understanding my question even more. It also serves as a reminder, that religion and spirituality are extremely different. If i could ask the writer one question , it would be to ask them “ what do you believe in”. “As Deepak Chopra said, “Religion is a belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experience.” Other people might say they are spiritual but not religious yet, it is possible to be both. These two things are important in maintaining the balance between your mind, body, and spirit.” “Man defines religion. On the other hand, a greater power defines spirituality. Human beings can decide what religion is for them. In spirituality, something bigger than yourself guides you and your life.”“One of the most noticeable differences between religion and spirituality is that religion preaches and commands while the spirituality inspires. You need to follow a set of rules if you want to move forward in religion. Advancing in spirituality is through a process of loving and accepting yourself and the world around you. The idea of advancement is replaced with the journey for growth.”
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