A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

intro to research question

The topic/question that I will be researching is “How is the internal corruption of the police force affecting the general population” . The reason why I am so interested in this question is because becoming a police officer was once a dream of mine .Ever since a little child I would always wanted to help enforce laws and get rid of criminals off the street. However reality had a different plan.As I got older and time went on I learned how corrupt the government is.Who works under the government? , that’s right police officers. I am specifically mentioning the police force within the US.First off police officers are supposed to enforce laws and protect us people but unfortunate truth is they do the complete opposite.Instead of enforcing laws police officers use them to their  advantage and abuse them.Instead of protecting the general population criminals , police officers are the criminals for taking lives.Now I’m not saying this is all cops but there are a good sum that are .Which is why this question should be heavily spoken about because proper justice needs to be served .When it comes to research I’m hoping to find in depth articles, videos, documentaries etc about past things that had occurred.For example racism even to this day plays a major role in the corruption of the police force.Not to long ago a named Erik Garner was placed in a illegal choke hold. Yes he was black and had done nothing wrong things had suddenly escalated and 7 white police officers had pinned him to the ground.was that necessary, absolutely not. Some other things I  also hope to find is things on the broken window theory along with stop and frisk.These were things that took place in the past and were abused and is still being today.The main reason I hope to find this is because that are using reasonable suspicion and abusing it.Now if there is anything that goes against my assumption I am not willing to back down .I have been studying this topic for quite some time not only myself but there are many others who know how corrupt the police force is.There are police officers who should be imprisoned and there is clear hard evidence yet there still roaming the streets a free person.This is a heavy topic within the Non-fiction genre.The reason why they will be amazing sources due to the fact that there all true.Yes you can use things that are fiction or based on a true story however I believe Non-fiction genre is the real deal and I will be able to retrieve the most information fro it.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole


    Your research question, “How is the internal corruption of the police force affecting the general population?” is an excellent. Your response to the questions posed is also an excellent first draft of your introduction. You may proceed with your research.

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