Video: Atlassian Foundation – MEPS meets Atlassian, The Conversation, November 30th, 2015

Located in Western Sydney Australia, students are engaging in new innovative technology beginning learning experience in some computer science education. These are students who are yet to reach high school studying computer science which can shape careers for their future. Maryland’s East school is a step ahead in getting its students exposed to the work world and even getting them into the job interview experience. This video is very productive for my research especially if pre-teens are getting the opportunity to learn such things ahead of time before reaching higher education, these young minds are ready for the work world thanks to the Atlassian program. It is inspiring for them because they know how life will get as they get older with being on your own and making a living for yourself, I wish more schools would engage in this because we should get all the preparation we need before the real world comes at us. Words from Atlassian’s CIO Peter Georgiou state “So we need to show all their kids as possible to design and create amazing things using computer science, but to do this we need to have it be a core part of their learning right from their early years”. These are wise words and I agree with the idea of teaching students career-like learning in their early years. “Some students already have access to valuable experiences like industry mentoring and entrepreneurship programs at school, but this isn’t the case for all students”. I can take from this that it is crazy how not every student is involved in these programs, it basically makes it unbiased for some students to have more opportunities in learning when anybody should have the same opportunities in education and they should learn real-life things that will be beneficial in the long run. I believe this video was published by the author because of wanting to show school programs that are really doing this and how much it is helping students develop at a young age, and preparing them ahead of time instead of waiting years until college to start focusing on what they want to do. This choice of genre was a good one because a video showing the advantages of early career learning is great way to get the audience into this topic. Sources such as this should be a big reason why schools should allow younger students to enter career readiness programs and courses and make it effective immediately.

Book: “Learning to Choose, Choosing to Learn. The Key to Student Motivation and Achievement” by Mike Anderson, April 2016                                                                                  

This book covers the ideas of letting students choosing what to learn and ways of building student to teacher relationships to make learning even better. The book is divided into three main sections, the first section covers what it looks like when the student’s choices is used effectively and will the choice(s) boost the student’s learning. The second section includes how we can make students make good choices especially towards what they’re learning, how to help students develop more ownership of their learning, and how to help students better understand themselves as learners. And the third section puts a focus on implementing and facilitating the choices learning many concrete, empirical examples and strategies of using choice for learning. Credits to this book for helping my research on why students should have more freedom in making their own learning decisions that will improve knowledge and motivation to learn. I truly believe having an open-minded curriculum that not just involves teachers but students as well because they are apart of the learning environment and there is some who have creative topics that can be covered to spread knowledge. On Chapter 1: The Key Benefits of Choice, page 17 it states “Choice may be one of the best vehicles for getting there, for it allows teachers and students to share in the responsibility of teaching and learning. Teachers can create viable options that students will find compelling and appropriately challenging, and then students take responsibility for choosing options that will best help them learn”. This piece from the book proves what teachers can do to go forward in getting their students to take responsibility for their learning making choices that will shift their teaching strategies. Anderson’s style in his book is very spot-on and makes it amusing for readers to enter this topic and learn more about it especially if you’re new to such a theory. The author’s purpose in this book is highly informative and persuasive explaining his reasons to make choice making for students in the classroom to go in full effect, sources like this is why it should be recommended for education to make this reform for all schools. I believe the author chose this genre to make his message informal as possible writing a whole book to share with us. This genre was a good choice most definitely because like I said this is something that should be in full effect and giving out more intel on it will forward its chances to make student’s choices in class the advanced way of learning.