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Research Paper topic


My topic is a genetic change in baby designing, The question I’m trying to answer is that it should be allowed or not. So far I know that there is a Chinese researcher  Don’t remember the name, don’t even remember the details but he designed 3 babies Illegally. I believe genetic change should be allowed but not for baby designing but for the people that have a disease in their DNA they should be allowed to change it but when it’s about designing a baby it sounds like you’re choosing toppings for your pizza.I also believe if people allowed to do this then there’s not going to be any different type of colors of people everyone’s going to look alike. which is kind of horrifying. I want to know what people have to say about this because when I think about this I said no this thing is going to lead to chaos. I want to know if we allow this thing to happen if people going to use it to design their baby or fix their disease.  we can do genetic engineering and it could do a lot of good stuff too but it also going to make us lose our past. For example, the Civil War gave African American people their rights back but thinking back if genetic change on the babies come to a real thing then what’s the point of having that war and giving those people their rights back is just saying in a different way of that no one is perfect and we are making you perfect without their choice. From the research I learned that the researcher who made this experiment to come true was put to jail for 3 years he’s going to come out  from the jail probably in 2021 I wonder if he’s going to carry one with the experiment or he’s going to stop to it. 

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Rahe, first and foremost, when you submit your assignments late, you must email me to let me know. Second, this is only 317 words and you didn’t answer the last question. In the future, make sure you meet all of the criteria for an assignment. Please don’t do this over as it is already October 21st and the assignment was due on 10/8. Your responses to the remaining questions are excellent and I think you’ve picked an excellent research topic. Don’t forget, you need to have your research question approved by me before you proceed with your research. I’ll be looking for your response to the assignment due on 10/12. Please note your statement, “the Civil War gave African American people their rights back” is a flippant statement as many were still enslaved and did not have their rights!

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