A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Introducing Research Question

I am interested in the question that is, why are schools neglecting student’s curiosity potential to further their educational desires? Why can’t schools create a method where all students can be satisfied and are encouraged to proceed toward their future on their major? Although I have a short story to tell I have also come to a realization of the school system as years progressed. For me, I wanted to be an Astronomer when I grew up. Excited for school to fulfill my future goals it then soon backfired as I learned how some schools offer different programs. Although it is advance some schools do not wish to take the opportunity for such advanced programs for students such as myself are interested in. However, as I grew older I noticed how extremely difficult the major can be which gave me a new perspective in a different career. Although schools didn’t offer me the programs I wanted and I neglected becoming an Astronomer in the end it would be unfair for those whose passion be burned away. What if a student wanted to become an Astronaut and none of his/her schools provided any form of information/programs to fulfill his/her curiosity on the goal? From what I expect to find in this research are the reasons why schools aren’t able to fulfill student’s curiosities on career goals they may be willing to take.  It can be no reason at all as long as it’s information I can use to support my question. However, if I find information that goes completely against what I expected to find then I will use that information to either enhance or to change my question in the end. I’d likely write it anyway and I would like to challenge my own assumptions about how schools should provoke student’s curiosities. The genre’s that I believe would give me good information would be school funding and or school programs. I believe that these could be potential sources due to school possibilities of limitations financially not being able to afford such programs. It could also be about how the school is taught in a way where the subject could be engaging in a certain pattern or algorithm in ways that can spark a student’s curiosity. I know that it wouldn’t be easy for all schools to satisfy student’s needs to continue their education as many students can like many things.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Isaac, While I think your questions are good, you need to narrow it down to one question; otherwise, your draft introduction is excellent and your genre choices look good. Can you repost your official research question?

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