Week 8: Oct 13-15

No Classes Oct 12.

Wed Oct 14 Classes will follow Monday Schedule.



This week, you will begin posting your research. Also, last week you read “Navigating Genres,” so this week I will discuss as a post under Announcements the different genres you are familiar with as outlined in the reading and the different rules of those genres, what genres do, etc.  If you have any questions, please email me.


Due Thursday, October 15th by 11:59 p.m.


RESEARCH: continue your research!


READ: Graff & Birkenstein, “Chapter 3: As He Himself Puts It – The Art of Quoting”



WRITE: One “Source Entry” Draft. Post on website under Discussions, Unit 2.  Make sure you have at least one “quote sandwich” in there. Use Graff & Birkenstein to help you set it up: remember to introduce, explain and analyze your quote!


See annotated bibliography handout for guidance in writing a source entry.



Due Sunday, October 18th by 11:59 p.m.


READ: your sources!


WRITE: Two more “Source Entry” Drafts. Post on website under Discussions, Unit 2. (See annotated bibliography handout).  You should have a total of three out of the four required sources for Unit 2 by now.