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ASS-2 : KWL+- Entry

Topic : Religion and Spirituality

Know : 

  • There is more than 5 faith , beliefs or practices . 
  • Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
  • Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal god or gods. 

Want : 

  • What do people prefer ?
  • Why teenagers turn away from their religious beliefs , when they get older ?
  • How is religion perceived in the eyes of a 5 year old vs a 18 year old?
  • Is religion more considered structured than spirituality ?
  • Should religion be forced ?
  • Should spirituality be forced ?
  • Why are we existing ?
  • How has views of both religion and spirituality changed during 2020 pandemic ? What are some things that came to light during this period ?
  • What is the causes of religious wars ? What causes spirituality wars (if there is any)?


–  Religion is a man made structure

  • spirituality has to do with self.

+- Still want to know:

  • Which is considered structured ? (in terms of the best option for a belief system/culture)


  1. Lisa Cole


    You’re off to a good start on your topic of spirituality and religion — it sounds more like a research paper that is going to compare and contrast spirituality and religion in terms of what they both offer practitioners. Be careful how you define spirituality to make it distinctive from religion. You seem to be suggesting that religion has an organization and that spirituality does not have any formal organization. Your topic is a bit broad because you’re dealing with philosophy but also raising questions about perception according to age and social events. You should limit the topic focusing more on your comparison and considering how to turn the comparison you raise into a thesis (topic question). This will help with your focus.

    • Asia S

      Okay, Thank You Professor.

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