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Assn#2 KWL+- Entry

Topic: Why do people deny a Creator?
K-Know: All I know about the topic is that there are a group of people who call themselves Atheists which include lay people and even academics who say that they deny the possibility of there being a creator who created this whole world and fashioned human beings. I have heard some people say that they have emotional reasons for denying the divine. Also some theists mentioned that many atheists are closet agnostics who just need some good proof to believe in the Divine. Also inside Atheism there are many subgroups who differ from each other
W-Want: What I hope to find out is the reason why they deny a Creator and the arguments they put forth to substantiate their claim. Also how theists respond to these arguments and provide their point of view. Why do these people want to differ from the majority of people around the world who believe in a Creator? Who introduced the idea of disbelieving in a Creator? Why are some Atheists so certain in their belief that there is no God? How can they have much certainty in this important aspect of life which pertains to everyone’s purpose in life?
L-Learn: I learned some of the reasons why atheists don’t believe in a Creator, the first one was contradictory religious teachings, likening of Gods to human beings in certain religions, existence of evil in the world, religion is just blind faith, Science says that everything is material and there is nothing that’s supernatural, a basic reason is, there is no good reason to believe in God and people can still live moral lives without God. These are some of the reasons I found.
+-Still want to know: If someone responds to all of these arguments then do atheists have other reasons to provide for not believing in a Creator? What are the respinses of theists against these arguments? Is there a middle ground between atheists and theists where they can coexist peacefully without each of them attacking the others way of thinking? I also want to find out why someone defects from religion and takes up atheism is it because of certain aspects of the religion or they found out that a God actually does not exist and studied proofs for disbelieving in a Creator. I am extremely curious about this topic and still want to know more when I start the research


  1. Lisa Cole

    Mahmudur, your topic is certainly thought-provoking, and your reasons for wanting to know are excellent. Your research question is also excellent. You should proceed with your research.

  2. Ash

    This topic is very interesting and brings up memories of me and my friends debating on our beliefs and if they is a creator or not. I found your entire topic refreshing as it comes with a question many people wouldn’t discuss.

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