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bad ideas about writing.

As a kid I was fascinated when I got to travel and experience different cultures and play with different animals. I loved how I would bond with nature and I wished my life would be a rather exciting one filled with the unpredictable situations and challenges. I would have loved to help people in remote areas live better lives and to completely abolish slaughtering of animals for any sort of use as I could not tolerate the fact that the animals did not own their own lives, that their lives were cut short to fill someone elseā€™s stomach or to cover someoneā€™s skin. I still look forward to pursuing this dream. Asking questions to people who hold different views and ideas truly helped me build a broader perspective and to really see where everyone is going wrong and where everyone is lacking a basic sense of compassion. There is a fundamental ignorance, an all pervading one. Now that I have lived among people that do not share my ideals, I have grown used to living against my dreams. Although I am vegetarian, I fail to convince others to become one and I also learnt that most of the economy runs on lives that we, the society, have no right over. I was educated and integrated into a system that taught me how to forget or ignore my dreams and to face the so called ā€˜realityā€™ which was simply earning a living by stepping on others. I wouldnā€™t say living in this context, I would say ā€˜survivingā€™. We arenā€™t truly living. I was taught that if I was unable to do so I would be stepped on my others. This part of education, education for survival, has demoralized me and I feel great sympathy towards myself, and all the people that do not see the flaws of the system that is designed to stain our basic sense of compassion. I get scared when I start to normalize the racism thatā€™s going on around me, I get scared when I ignore the fact that there children and grown people starving when we throw away meals or waste money on a new pair of shoes, I get scared when I start thinking that I must be put before anyone else and I get scared because I am becoming immune to this sense of fear. We must be critical towards the system that we follow. The criticism must be motivated by our basic sense of inherent compassion and humanity. We must work to change the world.


  1. Adriana Larreinaga

    This is very true! We are so imposed to follow a system in which the majority of people just follow what they are told but not have their own critic. Also, in the times we are living now we have forgotten to have more appreciation for nature. Maybe for your research paper you may want to talk about food processing facilities in the US to go more in depth!

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