A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Research Starts with a Thesis Statement” from Bad Ideas about Writing

As a kid, I have always been in love with art on how fascinating it is to create something on a two-dimensional surface and have infinite creativity and create new things. In my sketchbook, I would sit and draw the surroundings. I would draw the “dream home “ I wanted and how I wanted my room to look. Also, from what I remembered I enjoyed playing with Legos. I would spend hours playing with them and come up with some crazy abstract ideas. However, I never thought that those “dream homes” I used to draw would turn into the love for architecture that I have until this present day. When I came to America I became more exposed to architecture and more eager to learn about it. My uncle is an architect and I could say I was very much influenced by him. I would ask him questions such as how he did those plans in that software and how to start a design process like that. I became even more intrigued. I began to do my research on the different architects and the styles in architecture in which I was inspired by Zaha Hadid- a British architect who was the first woman to receive the Pritzker Architecture Prize. As an architect, she was able to go against what is traditional architecture which falls under the Descontructivist style which I would try to incorporate in my work as an architecture student. Likewise, I began to watch Youtube tutorials on how to use different software, in particular Sketchup and Autocad. I would explore and learn some tips and the basics of using those programs and I still learn and practice on my own because that is the only way I can master the programs. Yes, the professor can teach you some things but will never have all the time to teach you everything to know and that is one of the reasons why I prefer to also do my research on my own. The professor is just a guide to a certain extent. But, it is important to go beyond and do more research and make our proper conclusions. For instance, the professor will assign a reading for homework and some people will just read that specific article and call it a day. Though, I often try to also do my research and look at different articles in which I end up learning even more. 


1 Comment

  1. Israt Kashmira

    I love to sketch. Now I still do sometimes. you should keep going with it. Best of luck

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