A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Education narrative

An educational narrative to me is an informative story and this story has one important message as the main focus. I don’t see an education narrative as something that is hard for you to understand but what’s difficult is to make a reader understand your main message. To me the ingredients to make an education narrative isn’t that difficult, it’s be honest and don’t do too much. When you want to make a point and have people understand you, you want to be straightforward and honest on whatever you’re talking about. Being simple and honest and not getting too far fetched example if your story is about becoming a better writer you want to show how you became a better writer from whatever it may be and how that helps you and don’t make it a fairytale story. This would make the reader understand the main message and make them try to implement the message into their writing or everyday life depending on how they take the message. A good place to start off for an education narrative is something you feel connected to. Don’t write about something that you have no interest in rather write on something you believe in you think can help people and influence for the better. The more passionate you are on a topic the better you do writing about it, filming about it, etc. others will tell you start small om writing an education narrative, if you are not confident then I would say start small on something that’s easy to talk about maybe a mutual thing that everyone struggled in, for example I know many people that struggled in math however many other people can struggle in science. Doing things small if you aren’t sure is a way to go but if you’re confident or just want to be passionate about giving a message then through your education narrative write and express your idea and make people understand it and don’t care about if it’s relatable but rather care about your main audience. My concerns about writing my education narrative is me being able to express to my audience my main idea because I have the tendency to go off track and end up following the smaller ideas.

1 Comment

  1. Ivanna Hodziur

    I agree with your opinion that to make a reader understand your main message is difficult sometimes. Also, I support your idea, to be honest with the audience is very important.

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