Many of us in our generation haven’t really experienced the idea of social/verbal disruption.Although we grew up learning English there is still things to abide by .I myself had experienced such things as Jamila Lyiscott and Tan.People tend to be very distinctive and observant today.I was not the greatest English speaker as for my parents are immigrants the way they speak English had slightly rubbed off on me .This unfortunately made me different in a way from others yet unique.Sometimes my parents would say a line in English you would completely comprehend what they are saying however the words they use mess up the sentence which causes people to judge and laugh.For example ” May I please use the restroom” this would an expectation,but something my parents would say ” Can I go bathroom”. Now you can see a major difference between those two lines .However they both have the same meaning,but one just sounds a little fuzzy.Although my English had gotten better the laughs and judgement was something I didn’t deserve.Not everyone is perfect but everyone is unique in their own way .From my experience I learned that rules don’t defy anything and there is always an alternative.If there is something you don’t understand but you understand in your own way ,go for it that’s what I learned.People gave me a stare ,laughed etc but at the end of the day just because I don’t understand it their way doesn’t mean I don’t get it at all.In Tans story it stated “the following week we were on front of this astonished stockbroker
and I was sitting there red-faced and quiet…” personally she had every right to go off.It plays a major role ,the mother was being judged based on the way she spoke.No one should be discriminated because of the way they speak.