Religion and Spirituality is something that is often talked about almost everyday of our daily lives. Even on social media , people post about how the god or gods they believe in are so good to them. The reason this topic is so important to me, is because i want to discover the distinction between the two and learn about the development of both ,since the beginning of time. Also , would like to find this out for myself as well, in terms of purpose and understanding.I think we all question our existence on this earth and our purpose. Many of us , dont even know if we’re living the right or wrong way. Is there even a right way of doing this thing called “existing” , only time will tell. I grew up going to a baptist church, and still til this day, nothing about the ways of the church sat well with me. Does this mean i am an atheist ? What i expect to find in my research is, the difference between Spirituality and Religion , why is religion considered a man made structure , and how they are different. Also, what is considered living a life that is considered good or bad in god’s image. How does religion or spirituality affect us ? , and how it is vital in today’s society ?. If my research goes against what i expected , i will continue to research information from every single genre, or interview two people and find out their perspective and use in my research. I am very certain i discover different types of writing , during my research. The genres i think that would be very helpful to my research is science non-fiction,historical non-fiction, journals , articles and psychological non -fiction
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