How does the internal corruption of the police force affect the general population?


As we all know we live in a society that is not so perfect.Unfortunately we live in a state that runs on criminal and illegal activities some of which that needs to be justified immediately,However nothing is being done with a police force so corrupt innocent people are perishing police officers that should be in jail are roaming the streets .Being oblivious to these things are ethically wrong.There are multiple different tragedies that occurred throughout the years .For example the death of George Floyd, a black man who kneeled to death by a police officer along with 3 other police officers who were just standing there watching him do so as if he was in the right.Just because these people have a badge does not mean they have all the power in their hands.Everyone needs to realize their moral principles because if we don’t we are letting the entire system get corrupt not only the police but those that stand higher than them.This is as to why this question arose to  me ” How does the internal corruption of the police force affect the general population”. My curiosity for this topic continues to grow everyday.A lot of people believe that defunding the police force would make a great idea however just like another classmate had said he believes that would not be the wisest decision. With the research I have read which included articles on how the system of corruption works let alone personal experiences people had came across etc.After reading multiple articles and watching multiple documentaries I have came to to the conclusion that it is not only the police force that is corrupt , I believe it is the whole system of government that is affecting the general population.I have been studying the idea of police corruption for a few years now as a person who always dreamed of becoming a police officer and no longer wants to my views on what really goes on in the police force  caused me to change my mind.

Legal Barriers to Challenging Excessive Force by Police

Although the name of the author of this article was not stated it still holds information that is very valuable .to us There has been countless amount of police reports that had dealt with the use of excessive force.However every case that was filed against police officers all of which the victims had actually lost.Now this began to question a lot of people .For example there is hard proof evidence of police officers using excessive force or well known as unnecessary force but why is that they are getting away with this.There are many legal barriers that which is as to why it is so difficult to  challenge police officers in court.With over 500 cases that dealt with excessive force , according to reporters none of which were adding up.Reporters had also determined that the supreme court had developed the idea of “ The absolute shield”.The idea of “ The absolute shield” gives police officers accountability of being accused and in this situation which we are dealing with excessive force.The supreme court has now given police officers the upper hand more like an excessive amount of power.Given the fact this has occurred, in 1967 supreme court had passed a legal doctrine that protected all government officials from serious lawsuits.A reporter by the name of ( Reuters) had discovered the idea of qualified immunity.If a police officer ever kills or injures a civilian the consequences are almost little to none .Overall this doctrine is the most powerful tool the police force has.Now as I say this is the most outrageous thing ever . Now  to think that police officers are corrupt when in reality the entire system of government is  actually corrupt themselves.Anyone who is to challenge police officers in court will have a higher chance of losing the case than winning.This doctrine should have never been passed and I myself can say the people would have not agreed to passing the doctrine either.Police officers along with all government officials should be trialed as if they are part of the general population.This is why we should decentralize the force in which limits their power to abuse and get away with their wrong doings


The Measurement of Police Integrity:By Carl B. Klockars, Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, William E. Harver, and Maria R. Haberfeld,  May 2000


Throughout the years there has been an intense amount of research conducted by the National Institute Of Justice regarding the idea of police misconduct.Researchers had also conducted a survey which collected data from other officers.This survey had a relation to

punishments for police misconduct and what disciplinary action should be taken.This research had a major impact for other researchers,policymakers as well as police practitioners.Although the idea of police corruption is such a vast topic there are many things that linger behind it that creates altercations we don’t know about.Many of ideas of corruption comes from a reflection of moral defects that relies within a certain individual, in this case  it is the police officers.The first rule is to get a better grasp on how the corruption is established,communicated,and understood within that establishment alone .Most organizations actually prohibits such actions .Another word for this is the mala prohibita , meaning to be off duty and doing other type of business.This however complicates the problem even more.because agencies are supposed to prohibit such actions .But this so called unofficial policy is whats causing all this disruption.This policy is supported heavily yet very discreetly by the supervisors and administrators themselves.They allow the misconduct to continue and let it slide but only under certain circumstances.  By circumstances the author states it had to be limited and discreet.

Although this research is viable I disagree with it to a certain extent.The whole idea of this research were to find proper disciplinary actions  and punishments for these officers.In my opinion what sense would it make to do this research on the officers themselves who are actually corrupt .They can give researchers false information which can be catastrophic to the research.However the this research idea was incredible in helping us breakdown the different categories.In order to find the answer we need to target what’s most important first we now know that there is a whole circle of this unfair justice.Not only police officers are corrupt it starts with the whole system government .


How a corrupt Baltimore police task force tainted thousands of cases.


Police officers are to protect and serve our people but they are as deceiving as they can be .The police task force in baltimore have tainted more than 2,000 cases in other words framing individuals for their benefits..There is only so much internal affairs could do to help the innocent be free.What makes it do hard is police officers are protected by the government , state courts etc so getting involved was nearly impossible as they had their right to privacy secured.A man by the name of Shawn whiting was a victim who did time in prison although innocent he was still placed in jail.Police had suspected that he was a drug dealer not only that they had even gotten a warrant to search his home.As Shawn had claimed they had gotten a warrant under false pretenses.Police had completely raided his house and stole 20,000 dollars along with his kids video games .As all this happened Whiting knew he was being wrongfully accused however even after filing a report to internal affairs the case was not taken seriously up until 2017.The reason why this case was looked at heavily is because they started to receive multiple cases that were similar which had began to raise suspicion.As they say the evidence was not enough for the burden of proof.Soon after Whites lawyer had won the case 17 other cases that similar to whites had been reopened for investigation.My personal opinion on this is how this is absolutely outrageous how their voices are not being heard.why are these cases not taken seriously.As said in the video this case was not  taken seriously    up until there were similar reports.This makes me question how many people are being wrongly imprisoned.One reason that this is a major concern is because in the society we live in today the officers are winning that needs to come to an end.Police officers are being protected for their wrongdoings not to mention they are being granted immunity.As each day passes justice needs to be served as soon as possible because things are getting serious with the corruption of cops.When I say serious I mean cops killing their own so they won’t testify against them.So I completely agree and disagree with this video.I 100% without a doubt agree with the fact that all voices should be heard.But the thing I disagree with is the amount of officers that are being protected.This should be dealt with now as White lost his home and was left to live with his aunt along with 6 of his children.The fact our own system of government is causing the deterioration of our people is very saddening.


The Culture of Policing Is Broken

Brutality and dehumanization are deeply embedded in many departments.

June 16, 2020

The idea of police brutality is spread throughout many different departments.People are pretty much are given an ultimatum.Either keep dealing with actions such as the George Floyd incident or deal with these violent protests that demand justice.Based on polls that were taken people had said the action of the police are far much worse than these violent protests.80 percent of responded that the country itself is getting out control and the police officers are the cause of it .Race has been a major reason as to why this problem is getting worse by day.After the death of Erick Garner a innocent black man who was killed by a white officer the officer was not indicted even after placing Garner in a illegal choke hold .A hefty 33% of americans felt as if excessive force was more so used on black people than white people.Soon after the death of Geaorge Floyd the creation of BLM(Black Lives Matter) was created.This is one of the biggest movements right now that raises awareness of black lives.

Now this is what the idea of what police corruption leads to.It leads to people creating campaigns so everyone would realize the wrongdoing police officers are doing.Police no longer have to pretend and deny their actions because everyone has figured out what they have done.



We all now live in a society where how hard we try bad intentions will not be justified.People can’t change our system of government due to how corrupt and biased it is.In the declaration of independence it states “ we the people”. People have chosen to have a government to maintain stability and we the people have the power to take it away.However most people are afraid to ask for a change because there are always consequences.Innocent lives are being killed , families are being torn apart we have a third party system of government that is destroying our country.