My topic is global warming. I’m interested in this topic because it will destroy our world very soon if we don’t change our lifestyle. Global warming is one of the most important issues in this world now. The weather is changing. Ice is started melting and the sea’s water is increasing that’s why flooding is happening. Because of flooding humans and animals, both are dying Temperature is increasing because of the people could grow foods over there, they don’t have enough water. Those places are becoming Deseret. Carbon dioxide is increasing day by day because of gas, factories, coal, also we are cutting lots of trees. The rise in the CO2 level on the earth impacts human life to a great level through continued heat waves, a sudden occurrence of strong storms, unpredictable and unexpected cyclones, damage to the ozone layer, floods, heavy rain, drought, lack of food, diseases, death, etc. We need trees to live, only trees can give us oxygen and they take carbon dioxide from us. But if we cut trees like this, carbon dioxide will increase more and more. We should plant more trees. One of the most helpful thing is tree. Nowadays people are using Plastic for everything and plastic is so dangerous for our environment. We can’t recycle plastic. So after using it, we are throwing that plastic in the seas. Now millions of tons of plastic in the seas after years and it’s increasing day by day. Because of those plastic lots of animals are dying especially fishes. These problems are related to each other. What if I find the information that completely goes against my topic. I will research the information that supports it. The world is our home if we destroy this where will we stay? So, we should start planting more and more trees, stop using plastic bags and bottles. Cars are releasing lots of gas (Carbon dioxide). Trees would be helpful. We can save our world by those few steps. 


Climate Change History

On this website, they said global warming started a long time ago. When humans started using machines that time global warming started.  “In the 1800s, experiments suggesting that human-produced carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases could collect in the atmosphere and insulate Earth were met with more curiosity than concern.” Carbon dioxide is destroying our environment and because of that climates are changing. Temperature is increasing. Carbon dioxide and other gas make a layer in the sky, it is called a greenhouse gas. Our earth gets light and energy from the sun. Sun also sends light that is not good for our environment. Because of Greenhouse gas now those gases are also on our earth. Those gases couldn’t cross the greenhouse gas. Day by day it’s increasing. The weather is getting hotter. Co2’s level is growing so badly every month. In 1960 co2 (parts per million) was 320, in 2005 co2 (parts per million) was 380. So, it’s growing up just because of the way humans are using machines, cars, factories, plastics, etc. Climate change is a long-term change in the climate and weather conditions of the Earth. It took years of study and research to show the vast majority of the climate debate that the environment of our entire world could be changed by human help. In the 1800s, research showing that carbon dioxide ( CO2) and other gases burning fossil fuels releases could collect in the atmosphere and insulate Earth were met with more interest than concern.


During and after the industrial revolution, greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere remain trapped, where they begin to collect. They often help to maintain the heat that has had a number of impacts on the atmosphere of the earth.

Some scientists and business leaders claimed in the early 20th century that it was possible to adjust the local environment, but not the global climate, based on local activities.

Another challenge called climate change has been presented by global warming. These words are often used interchangeably, but they are different. Climate change refers to increases across the globe in weather conditions and rising seasons. It also contributes to the increase in sea level caused by the distribution of warming oceans and the melting of ice sheets and glaciers. Global warming affects climate change, which, in the form of severe floods and extreme weather, poses a significant danger to life on earth.

Global Warming 101

March 11, 2016, Amanda MacMillan

Here’s a basic global warming concept. The average global temperature has risen at the highest rate in modern history over the past 50 years. And economists see the pattern accelerating: Since 2000, all but one of the 16 hottest years have happened in NASA’s 134-year record. Theorists of climate change also suggested that there has been a “delay” or a “slowdown” in rising global temperatures, but this argument has been disproved by many recent reports, including a 2015 paper released in the journal Science. And scientists estimate that average U.S. temperatures could rise by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century unless we control global-warming pollution. Global warming occurs when the atmosphere collects carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and other air contaminants and greenhouse gases and reflects heat and solar radiation falling off the surface of the earth. This radiation will usually spread into space, but these toxins, which can last in the atmosphere for years to centuries, trap the heat and cause the earth to get hotter. It is what is known as the greenhouse effect. The major cause of heat-trapping emissions in the world is the fossil fuels to produce electricity, generating around two billion tons of CO2 a year. Coal-burning power stations are the largest polluters by far. The second-largest source of carbon pollution in the world is the transport industry, which creates almost 1.7 billion tons of CO2 emissions annually. Limiting harmful climate change needs especially deep carbon cuts, as well as the use of fossil fuel options worldwide. The positive news is that we have begun a turnaround: from 2005 to 2014, CO2 emissions actually declined in the United States, due in part to new, energy-efficient innovations and the use of renewable fuels. And scientists continue to discover innovative ways of modernizing power plants, producing cleaner energy, and as we drive, consuming less fuel. Climate warming effects are being felt around the world. In recent years, dangerous heat waves have caused tens of thousands of deaths around the world. And since 2002, Antarctica has been losing around 134 billion metric tons of ice per year in a worrying indication of events to come. If we keep burning fossil fuels at our current rates, this rate could pick up, some scientists warn, allowing sea levels to increase several meters within the next 50 to 150 years. The Obama administration promised $3 billion to the Green Environment Fund, a multinational body devoted to helping developing nations implement renewable energy solutions, to help make the agreement possible. Participating nations will meet every five years, beginning in 2020, under the terms of the Paris Agreement, to update their proposals to reduce CO2 emissions. They will also have to monitor their progress publicly, starting in 2023. We have to change our lifestyle to save our world.


Thousands of experiments undertaken by scientists around the globe have recorded temperature changes on the surface of the Planet, as well as in the atmosphere and oceans. A lot of other facets of the global environment are also shifting. Extreme high temperatures and heavy rainfall events are increasing, glaciers and snow cover are decreasing, and sea ice is receding. Seas are warming, rising, and growing more acidic and along the U.S. coastline, flooding is becoming more common. For decades and even years, greenhouse gas emissions from human activity will begin to influence the atmosphere of the Planet. At a rate much greater than that removed by natural cycles, humans contribute carbon dioxide to the environment, producing a long-lived gas trap in the atmosphere and oceans that forces the world to a warmer and warmer condition. Several lines of evidence suggest that human activities, in particular the emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and land-use change, are largely responsible for the changes in climate observed in the industrial period, especially in the last six decades. Over the industrial era, the ozone concentration of carbon dioxide, the main contributor to human-caused warming, has risen by around 40 percent. The natural greenhouse effect has been amplified by this transition, driving a rise in global surface temperatures and other widespread changes in the atmosphere of the Planet that are unseen in the history of human society. There are longer growing seasons, and major wildfires occur more regularly. Many animals are moved to different areas, and in addition to climate change, there are changes in the seasonal timing of major biochemical changes.


There are several causes of recent climate change, but individuals all share something in common. Recent warming, like driving vehicles, heating houses, operating plants, and changing forests into cities, is a side effect of many things people do. The responsibility for recent climate change is even on our landfills and farm animals. The climate is moving. The surface temperature of the Planet during the 20th Century increased by 0.6 ° Celsius (1.1 ° F). Although the atmosphere has changed over the evolution of the World, this is the first time that the primary cause is mankind. greenhouses produce gas such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas. In the atmosphere that was on its way out to space, these gases trap heat, allowing the greenhouse effect of Earth to become more intense, warming the world. Changes in the way land are used also change the environment as well. For example, as trees and other trees are taken down to make room for new houses or parking lots, the world warms because, without the vegetation, less carbon dioxide is produced from the atmosphere. Plus, concrete and houses continue to keep on to more heat than trees and grass, so they remain warm for some time until warmed by the sun. While we’re going to see a certain level of global warming due to our actions in the past century, there are also options to help slow down the pace of warming. Currently, the range of future warming over this century is mostly because we are not aware of how the world will be influenced by humans. It will cause less pollution if it adds fewer greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. With people, the actions of people as well as the sun and volcanoes influence the atmosphere. Once the systems produced human activity that produced a rise in the volume of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, what happened to Earth’s temperature over the past century was fairly correctly expected. Without people, the atmosphere is primarily influenced by sunshine fluctuations and volcanic eruptions. In those scenarios, the simulations find that during the past century, the Planet would have cooled somewhat, which does not match what really occurred.

The conclusion is that a result of human behavior is global warming. Future global warming would depend on the future actions of humans. global warming causes ice to melt and oceans to rise. Again, these are caused by human actions and future results will depend on future human actions. Global warming is the Earth’s surface temperature rising from 1950 until the temperature begins to rise. Global warming can also apply to climate change, which allows the surface temperature to rise. Global warming, though, is caused by natural phenomena and human events that are thought to lead to annual temperature changes. Global warming increasing day by day. Now, human impact has become a very real problem and the world is not taken care of by humans. Global warming is caused by people who affect global warming without always natural causes. Up to today, the world has been evolving for many years because of the new lifestyle of humans. Industrial production, fossil fuel burning, manufacturing, livestock, and deforestation are human practices. Climate change involves both global warmings triggered by human greenhouse gas pollution and the subsequent changes in weather conditions on a wide scale. While previous cycles of climate change have happened, the pace of human influence on the Earth’s climate system and the global scale of that impact has been unparalleled since the mid-20th century. so, we should start taking care of my environment from now.  then our future will be bright.