This article speaks heavily on where the corruption of police really lies.It is not just a individual aberration that the sources every cop into becoming something they are not . However it is more so that it  correlates   with the police organization themselves.There are multiple different ways to tackle it .But the idea of doing so is the problem.If we are to believe that police officers are the only ones that are corrupt  you must be highly mistaken.There is a whole circle that would actually revolves around the idea.As said previously it is the entire organization.This is constantly recurring with no one to stop them.Now it states that one way to tackle it is to have things such as strong leadership,a multi faceted organizational strategy , proactive investigation al techniques , also positive social control.These are just some of things to help tackle down the idea of this corruption.Having officers that actually are clean are a crucial part of our community is exactly what we need but also lack in .As the article states one can have a few a illusions of achieving that idea .