Mental health, being an impossible condition, has a cure. This cure isn’t related to something substantial such as drugs and medication. Through research we come to find out that we have a way of dealing with ourselves and that way does not demand anything extra from our being. We and simply sit and rest. Meditation was proven to have immense help in easing the mind an also in helping people cope with mental factors. I was surprised that something as insignificant as being mindful of your present would be of great influence over your mental condition. We find that when we start looking for what we need elsewhere, we miss the phenomenal presence that is in front of us. It’s more like you eyelids, we do not see them because they are very close to our eyes. I was expecting to find some kind of magic potion through my research but instead I learned that cure was only a perception, and this changed my perspective of reality. This research has also helped me develop a sense of humility as I have learnt that there are things that are unknown to me and that I have to be willing to step outside my area of expertise to learn about all the information the world has to offer. This information is very important to mankind as it Is the only efficient way to deal with any circumstance. People should be able to see clearly, perceive clearly and have a clear conscience of what is happening right now and not elaborate on ones thoughts. If people can achieve this, the problem of mental obscurations and illnesses will be eradicated from the society as we will perceive the futility if our daily social and political activism. We have to be mentally firm to execute physical activities and meditation is the only way to affirm the strong mental firmness. People who want to succeed and who want to learn how to deal with situations effectively and efficiently should look into this subject. Moreover, people who deal with individuals who are challenged mentally and individuals who are experiencing mental obscurations should particularly consider this subject as it has great potential to assist and guide one self and others out of the dogma of thought, perception and preconception of society, civics, normality and all phenomena as a whole. If adopted, meditation has the ability to strip the curtain of our perception and reveal the naked and nude reality as a whole.