Argument: “Should high school kids be able to chose their own classes?” – Debate.Org

This source I found is based on the question if high school students should be able to chose their own classes, which is left to random people to decide which side they’re on upon this. What’s interesting about it is the different answers and reasons whether people are for or against it because it shares new ideas and perspectives to forward my own belief. Out of all of the people who replied to the question only 12% of them were against students choosing their own courses, that doesn’t mean their arguments won’t be still be reasonable at the end. A reflection that includes my opinion is definitely the other 88% who are for expanding freedom in the classroom for students which is very essential for learning and growing minds drastically. They will be in higher interest and demand, and to learn things they always wanted to and what is most curious to them, which will make school more motivating to focus on. One of the comments that are for students choosing what to learn state “Yes because they are responsible enough to choose subjects that pertain to their passions and interests. Also their grades will improve tremendously because they will have more interest in what they’re learning and will work harder. I’m not saying they should have complete control over what they will learn just open more subjects to optional classes….”. The main thing I can take from this piece of evidence when it states just open more subjects to optional classes, letting students choose what to learn would definitely not take away some required courses, just at least have a good portion that includes what students want to get involved in their future. One of the comments from someone who is against it basically just said that students would choose the easy classes to get through and not really put focus on their learning, this is definitely true however it should be broken down to majors that will be taught in college or after school to get the students into. The purpose of the author’s question is to inform the audience on why this topic is important and which side they will be on reading from others, I like this style of people coming together engaging in this topic sharing their thoughts to one another. I believe the author who made this question chose the argument genre to start a debate to see which side is more reasonable and would stand out to students learning what they want, while still gaining reasoning on both sides.


To sum up, it is explained briefly why our schools should let students choose what they want to learn before reaching higher education where that’s the time they do. Throughout my research to exceed my knowledge I found that there are things like programs in Australia that are allowing children to enter fields like computer science, and a whole book on letting students be free on choosing what they want in the classroom, and to hearing different reviews from people getting more intel on how they feel about it which most people are for it. I was surprised mostly by the Atlassian program getting young kids into college-related majors, those students are ahead of their time and will be ready for the higher position of learning years to come. Honestly the more research I found the more deepened I was into the question because this needs to take action all over schools, this is the modern way of education as well as a way students can be more motivated to learn. What I learned about is very important because this topic is very big in today’s world as it is affecting education itself. Students like me were and those who still are much younger going to school are learning the repetitive curriculum it just gets more advanced year by year, then when it’s that time right before reaching college where people are confused what to do with their lives. Not only that but it will also be important for students to enjoy what they learn and for them to be motivated for school or they’ll start to find it boring which will then lead to worst things. Expanding freedom in the learning environment aside from only teacher’s will make learners feel more involved and will make them a big part of their learning, what is also a great factor is that teachers can learn as well from their student’s curiosity. I think the education system nationwide needs to find out about this mostly, they are the ones that approve what we learn and how learn it so to get the word out to the officials will be an effective way to make this reform. It will then be forwarded to the worldwide education systems to open opportunities for every students to get into choosing what they want to learn, school will be less boring and stressful if we can make it more about the ones who are learning. With the help of many speakers spreading the word we can change many mindsets as well as education for the better and make it more worthwhile.