In the video on YouTube “Watch: Defunding the police ‘simply not the answer’, Houston police chief says”

Chief of police Art Acevedo talks about how the death of George Floyd is awful and shouldn’t be taken lightly and should be given justice for his loss of life. He continues to say to look at the fact that 1.2 million annual calls to 911 have been given and a lot of them come from colored communities and poor communities. He further continues to speak on how defunding the police isn’t the answer and he speaks on behalf of the mayor of Houston and especially the entire country for all those chief of police. He states that lowering and defunding the police with the necessities they will need can cause more damage and cause more crime. With appropriate funding police are well equipped with technology to help with fighting crime and recruiting individuals for the police system. As he continues he further talks about the fact most police officers are good people and they serve and protect the people with their lives everyday on the line. Stating  the four officers who took the life of George Floyd were not correct and horrific and saying they tarnished the trust of the law enforcement officials and system that worked so hard to gain trust with the people to show they are there to help.

In all we can see through the interview the chief of police doesn’t believe in the four officers for the death of George Floyd. He believes they did something so awful and horrific.  To conclude Acevedo believes that defunding the police won’t help as it will only cause lack of support they need to do their jobs to the absolute best of their abilities and it can lead to awful and dangerous situations like that of the past when not funding the police enough. He believes that we shouldn’t lose trust that most cops are correct and good and put their lives to serve and help the people and community. By this we would most likely only hurt our communities and lose the efforts those officers who suit up everyday to protect us with our actions either by putting them in more dangerous situations or by their lack of encouragement and them feeling disparity that we don’t believe in them. In all we would only cause trouble to our communities leaving our officers vulnerable in dangerous situations as we do rely on them so much and us the people we would be even vulnerable. If our officers are vulnerable then what are we? Defunding the police isn’t the way to go.