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research topic

The topic I want to research about is mainly about our police force.Although at first this research topic might sound kind of vague you can can go very in depth with this topic and what the reality is about the police force.For example some questions I was asking myself was , are police officers any different from the general population  another question may be does having a a badge give police officers the power to enforce laws or abuse laws.

K- Few things I already know about the police force is how corrupt it is in my opinion.A Lot of officers think just because they have a badge it makes them different .However when they say different they believe they have complete power over the general population.The idea of their job is too serve and protect the general population.But the sad reality is that they abuse there power and take advantage of people just because they are cops and they think they have the right to abuse power when in reality they are supposed to be using their power to enforce laws to ensure our safety but that is not the case.

w-There are so many things that I want to know about this topic and I can just keep going. One major thing I want to know is that , why is it that our police training in the US results in so many deaths and injuries.Countries such as Switzerland have 0 reported deaths due to police brutality.The idea of police brutality in Switzerland does not seize to exist however in the US are dying because of police officers why is that. Why is that the police force here is so  much different from everywhere else what is that we are doing wrong. Are we not hiring the right people , are background checks not being done properly

these are things I want to know and figure out.

L- With my few minutes of research I have managed to find out some very interesting facts.There so many legal barriers that help police officers not get accused for there wrong doings.For example “The Absolute Shield”  the courts have been granting immunity to police officers that have been involved in excessive force cases. This just proves how corrupt the system is. Another thing I learned was the reason as to why there are so many shootings.Most police officers follow the idea of shoot first think later.Now this is totally violates all moral principles .Police officers should not be shooting first there first priority should be to think first on most given situation.

still want to know- One thing I very much would like to know why is this still being allowed.For those who are fighting equality why is that they are being pushed away and ignored.The idea of giving police officers immunity who had lots of wrong doings is completely outrageous.Another thing I still want to know is who is really in charge because the courts/government seems to be very one sided.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Your research topic regarding the corruption and abusive nature of the police force in the US is excellent and it you’ve done an excellent job so far in getting your ideas together. So, the next step is I need to see your official research question before you begin the 400-word blog post that was due on 10/12.

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