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Introducing Research Question

My topic is global warming. I’m interested in this topic because it will destroy our world very soon if we don’t change our lifestyle. Global warming is one of the most important issues in this world now. The weather is changing. Ice is started melting and the sea’s water is increasing that’s why flooding is happening. Because of flooding humans and animals, both are dying Temperature is increasing because of the people could grow foods over there, they don’t have enough water. Those places are becoming Deseret. Carbon dioxide is increasing day by day because of gas, factories, coal, also we are cutting lots of trees. The rise in the CO2 level on the earth impacts human life to a great level through continued heat waves, a sudden occurrence of strong storms, unpredictable and unexpected cyclones, damage to the ozone layer, floods, heavy rain, drought, lack of food, diseases, death, etc. We need trees to live, only trees can give us oxygen and they take carbon dioxide from us. But if we cut trees like this, carbon dioxide will increase more and more. We should plant more trees. One of the most helpful thing is tree. Nowadays people are using Plastic for everything and plastic is so dangerous for our environment. We can’t recycle plastic. So after using it, we are throwing that plastic in the seas. Now millions of tons of plastic in the seas after years and it’s increasing day by day. Because of those plastic lots of animals are dying especially fishes. These problems are related to each other. What if I find the information that completely goes against my topic. I will research the information that supports it. The world is our home if we destroy this where will we stay? So, we should start planting more and more trees, stop using plastic bags and bottles. Cars are releasing lots of gas (Carbon dioxide). Trees would be helpful. We can save our world by those few steps. 

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Israt, your draft introduction for your annotated bibliography is excellent as you have covered many of the interesting points that are raised concerning global warming. So, this is a good topic, but you should have had your research question approved by me first — what is it? Also, you did not answer all of the questions for this assignment — what about genres and what do you expect to find from this research? Instead of one long paragraph you should have created separate paragraph to respond to each question. Do not proceed with your research until I see your question.

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