A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Assignment 2 (oct 8)

Topic- the topic I’m choosing to want to know more about is the importance of the police system and how defunding them will cause changes in the community.

k- the police system helps the community with overall. They help people with fighting crime and injustices. Many people now a days are starting to dislike the police due to a uproar in police brutality. The police have been acting unjust to many people abusing their power and causing harm to innocent people rather than protecting them. The police over the years have done justice but also many injustices causing a 50/50 divide between people believing they are good and those who think they are bad. This divide causes tension and the states are in a rapid struggle to do something to please both sides. The amount of help that has been by the police is enormous and there’s a lot of false accusations and murders that the police have done towards people. Discrimination from the police has been a major issue. In 2020 the New York police has been defunded a billion dollars from the budget and many people say that’s too little. However we still need to know is defunding them helping or hurting the state and communities.

W- I want to know one thing specifically how did New York get affected by the defunding of the police. What are the static’s that show if it was a great change it was it a horrific change. We need to see what justice has come out of the police. Did defunding the police stop there being bad cops or only just stopped how much would go into the system? We need to know if positives or more negatives came out of defunding the police.

L- learning more about the topic that crime rates dropped immensely Over the years as in 2017 violent crime rates dropped 56% per 1000 and the average police budget increased 59% to 292 dollars per resident. This is in contrast to 1990 United States experienced 12 crime rates  per 1000 people and spent 182$ In today’s dollars. So with increase in budget we learned less crime rates so this is a great positive. With this said being aggressive in policing can lead to tragedies as George Floyd’s case and with all the money spent on policing the money can be given into educations, health care and much more. Shootings have spiked in New York and to defund the police will only make it worse it seems due to lack of reinforcements. Shootings jumped immensely from 67 Murders in September 2019 to 152 In October. Murders jumped to 51 from 29 and burglaries jumped to 1255 from 912.

still want to know-  I want to know how we can keep the city and country safer if we do cut the budget for the police?

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Ash, your research topic is quite interesting and your responses to the questions posed indicate an excellent start to your annotated bibliography assignment. Please note, it’s not 182$ dollars, but $182. The dollar sign is always placed before the dollar amount.

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