A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Wednesday’s assignment

Topic: Why is depression and anxiety overruling the society? How can we solve this problem?

Why are you interested in this topic?

I have met a lot of people who feel emotionally unstable and they are trying their best to keep up with themselves while also trying to fit into society. I believe that there is a cure to these emotional conditions and it’s sad because these emotions are often discarded as mere stirrings that is termed as a phase in the cycle of one’s life. We must wake up to the fact that these are real conditions and they pose real threats.


What do you expect to find in your research?

I expect to find a cure for this condition that all people experience to some degree in one’s life. As stated earlier I would like to look into this subject to help humanity with a major problem that is often overlooked. I do not expect any answer to fall from the sky. I expect my journey to the answer I seek to be a challenging one in order for me to develop perseverance and to also obtain different skills along the way. Most importantly I want the journey to my answer to be a memorable one, an enjoyable one.


What will you do if you find information that goes completely against what you had expected to find?

I would use it to enhance my knowledge on the subject and I would try even harder to achieve my goal to find a possible solution to this common problem. Such obstructing information will also help me become humble by destroying my ego which will also enable me to learn more. I would develop the attitude of thinking that I may not always be right and such an attitude will help me to perceive one subject from different aspects.


What genres do you think might give you good information?

I think science in general and neuroscience in particular may have useful information. Also subjects that deal with more subtle aspects of people such as psychology and social science, human behavior, economics and political science. These areas are indirectly address my topic of concern because these areas deal with a lot of problem solving strategies on the social and emotional level of the majority. I believe that I will also find useful statistics in these areas which will further validate my material and also make my material more convincing to the audience.



  1. Lisa Cole


    First of all, your responses do not make any sense since you don’t have a research question. Second, you need to develop your responses as you have not met the 400-word minimum. Please re-post.

    • Namkha T Oedzer

      My apologies professor,

      I have updated the information.

      Thank You.

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