A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Introducing Research Question

Don’t you ever wonder why we go to school for all these years and then when we reach higher education, some of what we learned is useless when we now begin to focus on our careers? Then there’s many students when they reach college or even still in high school that don’t know what they want to do for their future and end up stressed and confused. Just imagine if we was to get started at least in high school learning on our majors, will the percentage of college graduates increase? Will students be more interested in school knowing what they’re learning is what they want to do in life? These concerns contribute to my research question which  is “Why can’t schools let students choose what they want to learn before they reach college?”, I am interested in this topic because this is really something that should go into action since we basically waste all the years of learning before we get older and start pursuing a career that will set us for life. If you ask me something that is forever should take some more preparation than just 2-4 years, not because it’s hard to learn but because it would give us more experience and will make us set for higher education. In my case I could’ve learned some knowledge about my major in marketing if I had classes for it before reaching college. I expect to find in my research some words from other students who feel they’re being held up on progressing themselves for the life that awaits them. I also expect words from teachers who would feel this way as well upon this topic, and as well as drop-out students who feel they could’ve finished school because they were sure of what they wanted to do before hand and at the same time would’ve enjoyed it. I expect to find these things because if the education system make it happen and give us major courses earlier, it’s no doubt school would be more helpful and play a bigger role in our lives. If I was to come across information that goes completely against what I expected I would still point it out and still state my point on how it should be changed. The genres I think would give me good Information are articles, narratives, and poetry expressing the feelings that will awake minds to make a change in the education system.


1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Darien, your first draft of your introduction for your annotated bibliography responds well to the questions posed and creates an interesting research question. I like that if you find information to the contrary, you would still argue your point BUT I’m curious to see if it would challenge your assumptions!

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