A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Assignment 2


Why is depression and anxiety overruling the society? How can we solve this problem?


Depression is a fundamental fear that is also a fundamental human instinct that is mostly covered by our daily busy-ness. When we experience unwelcoming and uncomfortable situations these instincts such as fear and anxiety tend to spring up and overrule our mindsets for a prolonged period of time. Such catalytic situations could include the present scenario of the pandemic and also financial and social phenomenon as a whole and in general. We become or we experience a low state of mind when we encounter situation that are the opposite of the situations we predict. Our predictions can be quite misleading. We may predict that our loved ones will survive for another few years or that our businesses will thrive for few more years, but we cannot really ensure that we will wake up to see the sun tomorrow morning. So, the catch here is that depression and anxiety come out of hope for our predictions to be fulfilled and fear of it not progressing as we wish for it to. Now the solution I offer is to appreciate our daily lives. To appreciate each moment as if it was your last. This is a profound Buddhist ideology and way of life. A way to remain content with what we have.




Why is it that the world is getting very modernized and the technology and standard of life is increasing, but the basic sense of happiness and humanity is fading? Why are there more people taking their own lives? Why are there people taking medication for an illness they do not have? Why are there people experiencing difficult situations with the increase of globalization? Why is it that we are so stuck up with how we appear to feel rather than how we are actually feeling? Why does our social status matter more than our mental ones? How can the society possess such ruthless algorithms and definitions for decency and normality? How can we help our society to be less judgmental about what others are and care more about the well-being of the whole?



In an article published by hopefordepression.org, they make strong statements such as the causes of depression being unknown till date. They believe, through research, that depression is more of a genetic cause and it also suggests that stress is not the primary stimulant of depression. The fact that appalled me the most is that there have been no other medications developed since Prozac that was developed in 1985. The statistics show that in 2017 there were 47,173 deaths in America caused by depression and suicide and the deaths per hundred people was 14.5. now one person is too many and we are talking about tens of thousands of people losing their lives every year.


Still want to know:

The most important question that is yet to be answered is “how can this number be decreased and what the most efficient way to do so would be.”




  1. Lisa Cole

    Namka, depression is a serious mental condition that deserves a deeper understanding. Your research topic is very interesting and so is your question. Your desire to find ways to decease this problem will make for some interesting research!

  2. Ash

    I found this topic very interesting and it brings to me thoughts of how to help those who go through such tough times and try to find ease for them and a way for them to cope with their emotions and problems positively and effectively.

  3. Ash

    I found this topic very interesting and it brings to me thoughts of how to help those who go through such tough times and try to find ease for them and a way for them to cope with their emotions and problems positively and effectively.

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