A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Research starts with a thesis statement

Something heavily I was curious on when I was younger was was becoming a police officer.The ideas of solving crimes enforcing the law had always had always caught my attention .Unfortunately the love I had to become a police officer had been drifting apart throughout the years .What I believe happened to my interest is finding out the truth.I began to lose interest when I started learning on what was really happening .One major cause in the loss of interest was police brutality.  In my opinion I don’t know why this still exists .Its almost 2021 and there is still people dying because of sense police officers do  not have.Eric Garner is a perfect example of police brutality.A police officer had put him in a prohibited choke hold .This had made me raise so many questions .First off it it were to be a prohibited choke hold why was it done .Not to mention  Eric Garner was not resisting arrest either yet he was tackled to the ground by 3 cops , placed on a choke hold which is illegal. The worst part was he was saying he couldn’t breath soon resulted in his death.The man was saying he couldn’t breath so why not let him go.This was a major downfall to my interest.The idea of racism still existing within the police force is so outrageous.

I thought it was all about discipline and honor but I suppose not.Now I am starting to pursue a career in computer engineering .The reason being is because the world is shifting to a more technological    side  where most things are now computer based.So I figured why not work along side them and help develop new advancements .There are negatives and positives to this idea but we have to adjust as people too.Lot of careers are soon going to done by robots.


1 Comment

  1. Namkha T Oedzer

    i love the amount of enthusiasm you have in your reasoning. however, i find it necessary that you continue to pursue your childhood dreams as i believe that the most noticeable amount of change can be brought by enthusiastic and compassionate people like you. since it was your dream to become an officer, why font you rock the very core and public image the police force holds?

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