One thing that interested me it painting with watercolor. I love how I mixed one color with another and a form into a realistic colorful View. Whenever I was sad or happy or not doing anything or need to think, all I did was paint, which affected my education greatly. Mom didn’t like how it affected my education, but she still supported me in painting class, but it’s soon after change when I came to my new york. Because the painting costs a lot in here and  I kind of got into Liking other stuff that makes me feel relaxing. And I learned a lot more stuff that I can do to make myself more relaxing—the only reason I did painting at the time because it makes me feel comfy. I believe the interest is still here, but I don’t have the energy to paint as much as I used to paint. The first word I got lazy and got a phone where I can listen to music makes me feel relaxing too, so there’s a more easy way to relax other than wasting thousands of dollars and paint.  I still like to paint but not as much as before. My still hubby is to paint.  But I’m not as passionate about painting anymore. There was a time that I think that my whole life is going to be based on painting, but I now believe there are more exciting things, for example traveling That I would like to do. Try out different types of food in the world has to offer. At this moment, I’m interested in Reading Small novels. Because of the quarantine time, I have nothing to do, so all I did is read novels. Never in my life, Believe that I’m going to love reading. Thinking about reading the surprising because I used to read books because my teachers were forced me to read, but now it’s surprising that I want to read Because I want to, not because teachers told me to do it.