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Curiosity killed the cat.

Mahmudur R. Rafei
Blog Post
One thing that I was truly interested in when I was a kid was the concept of the mind and conscience, I would always wonder if everybody thought and experienced the world the same way I did. I would think about what others thought when they were alone and how they got about with their lives, the questions that came to their mind and how they experienced the world around them. Of course I am still interested in this topic and wish to understand this concept in order to understand myself better and also the people around me. Learning about this topic was a gradual process and I got to understand other peoples’ point of view through interacting with them. My brother who used to be very close to me and still is would talk to me about matters pertaining to daily life even though I was a gullible little kid. He would talk to me about his experiences and I in turn would question him about them. I ould also try to relate to it and try to understand his position on those matters. This gave me hope and made me realize that I could relate to other people not in every single aspect of life but in most and in matters we differed we could discuss about them.
Over the years my curiosity faded due to the fact that my generation was bombarded with a plethora of different gadgets to distract us from the main purpose of life, but recently I came across a topic called “the hard problem of consciousness” which sparked my old interest in this topic. I aim to learn more about this topic in future by reading books or articles on this topic. The educational system did not play any part in providing me with answers about this question because I did not seek answers for this question. As a kid I did not know how to properly express myself so asking such psychological questions was out of the window. Although over the years certain phrases have helped me understand this topic, phrases like “put yourself in others shoes” which is to emphathize with others and how they feel about certain issues. Also how one person described the topic of consciousness to me by using an example of a strawberry, how it would taste if I ate it and how much pleasurable that experience is for me but how it could be different to others and at the same time neither of us would know what the other person experienced when they ate that strawberry.


  1. Namkha T Oedzer

    I agree that consciousness is a very intricate subject and I love the motivation you hold regarding the subject of consciousness. To be able to relate to other people on their level of perception and their experience would be a great way to develop patience in general. You might consider researching on the effects that perceptions have on peoples daily lives.

  2. Namkha T Oedzer

    I agree that consciousness is a very intricate subject and I love the motivation you hold regarding the subject of consciousness. To be able to relate to other people on their level of perception and their experience would be a great way to develop patience in general. You might consider researching on the effects that perceptions have on peoples daily lives.

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