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“A Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin.

 James Baldwin when he says “the world is larger” I believe he is referring to the information about the world or what happened or what’s going on in the world. the world is so big that there’s too much information to know, to observe, or to know the right information. In this text, he mentioned how the government teaches you stuff that benefits them not us. thinking about it it’s kind of true the history we learn from our school life, the different country history we learn not because it’s going to benefit us in the future we learn it because those countries they paid our government to teach that information to us. Furthermore, he mentions how black people were born here for cheap labor and how they were treated like animals and how white people Todd others that animals should be treated like an animal and there is no way to learn African American kids their actual history. Which makes sense because the government teacher stuff that benefits them or the stuff that makes them look good they’re not going to let us know the stuff that makes them look very unpresentable. The society we are born in just cares about itself so whatever is going to do for others it thinks it as how that action is going to benefit themselves not others. Which leads to what information we should get to learn in school that may benefit us in the future example learning how to earn millions of dollar in a month. Because money has a big deal in this world without that you can do really anything. 

1 Comment

  1. Isaac G.

    I agree, the world is so much bigger and deeper than we can imagine. People from around the world see the world differently compared to us. In different countries people can see the world cruel and unforgiving while others can see it as a prosperous world. It all depeneds on where we live and how we were raised.

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