When James Baldwin said “the world is larger”  I think he means in reference to the student, that there is more to the world than what he is living in. How he and his race has yet to know other parts of the world where he is more accepted and not limited to opportunities or being discriminated. Baldwin believes that anyone should have access to whatever they want and racism is not everywhere in the world. He also being up that America is to really “The land of the free, home of the brave” if not everyone doesn’t have equal freedom, whether if it’s human rights, education rights, etc. The government is the main reason society is the way it is and to be honest is the most crooked system of superiors.  Baldwin states “The government is the creation of the people. It is responsible to the people. And the people are responsible for it. No American has the right to allow the present government to say, when Negro children are being bombed and hosed and shot and beaten all over the Deep South, that there is nothing we can do about it”. As for myself, I believe I have the necessity to examine the untold truths of our government, this is a very risky topic being that we are limited already with our government. Not just the system, also just everything hidden on America’s name, I get that learning these some things may be impossible however certain things that occur question the United States’ definition of freedom. Just imagine what we can find out from this and how many eyes can be woke to what we are living in. Would we be able to prevent certain scenarios? Like why not learn about why the system is the way it is with all of the discrimination and limited freedoms to us citizens? It would be interesting to find out and also very helpful to be taught in the classroom.