I am a young 10 year old boy who ran off into the local mountains of Bhutan (where I grew up). I was running away. I had no clue about what I was running away from but I felt a sense of urgency to do so. During my childhood in Bhutan, learning was solely based on memorization and rigorous training from early ages. When I would reach the top of the cold, lush mountain, I would be throughly exhausted because the climb would have taken me roughly half a day. While diverting my attention from my state of exhaustion to the surrounding environment, I would find myself completely open, exposed. I could not hide anything from the sky. I had to surrender and in doing so I would feel free. I had to surrender to myself. The deep blue sky set ablaze by the warm rays of the sun, the springtime flowers and the lush green grass would all add to my experience of completeness and contempt-ness. I would change from here on after. I would approach all situations openly. There is no more need for me to learn through memorization and to approach education through an orthodox convention. I would approach education openly, without any prejudice or pre-conceptions and in doing so I would be contempt and satisfied with my education and i would be able to contribute to a larger goal, a goal of peace and compassion through my education.