The “ingredients” or narrative of an education narrative can come from where you come from. In your life and your past experiences writing is usually suggested to find who you are as an individual. Like the author, everyone has a way of expressing themselves. For him, it would be creating poems as it would encourage creativity in writing. As suggested by the title, “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing”. The author wanted to confront his questions he felt as a teen and wanted to take suggestions from people younger than him to feel more relatable and inspiration for others. Who you are or where do you come from plays a factor in what and how you write. I think a place to get started with your own education narrative would be how you perceive your own writing compared to others. Like reading someone else’s experiences and mixing it in with your own thoughts. This genre could be considered as self-discovery learning what you can read and write. Poems were a way for the author to cope with his teenage years. For me, my educational experience in writing an education narrative would be the times where I re-read my writing into my head. As in reading what I wrote being replayed in my thoughts to spot any flaws in them. I usually picked up this skill during class especially during my ELA classes where I revise my work for any spelling or grammar issues. Although it would tedious at first I did learn from it helping me speak more formally and appropriately when I needed it. What I would question about my education narrative would be, when is enough? When do I think my writing is perfect? These questions still bother me as it may hinder my reading and writing.