A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Education narrative

The main idea of an education narrative is to have an clear but not to broad picture of what you are trying to portray  within this you will hopefully have the ability to get a better understanding of the audience .There are many benefits to this as well.Getting to know our audience will enhance our idea because   we get an insight of their(audience) taste.This will most likely result in meeting the expectations   of our audience which is the initial goal.My previous English teacher Ms.Darius had mentioned something across these lines if we ever have a hard time discussing this .Usually it would begin with a past/previous experience and how that one experience had affected us today or how will it affect us in the future.  Such things should not be boring either make sure it intrigues the audience.For example mention something that isn’t to boring .You can make a connection that would relate to the audience that way the audience themselves would say ” wow I can relate to that” etc.Most importantly don’t give them such a vague idea let them unpack the meaning being the writing .Throughout the narrative the connection between the narrator and the audience should remain intact don’t lost their attention.

1 Comment

  1. Ivanna Hodziur

    I agree with you that to be clear is a very good qualities

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