In Mike Bunns article, he mentions “You are already an author”. What I grasps from that statement is that you are in control of you , your writing , your craft , you write your own story and that you don’t need the title “author” to feel like an author. Life is our constant author, we never know what life is going to teach us, we just constantly skip a new page. I use to write a lot last year, then i stoped and i promised myself i would not force my hand. Writing flows like the river , if can never be manipulated or forced , it moves at its own pace at the right time. I try to keep up with a daily journal and wellness journal , to monitor my well being and i would also like to look back ten years from now , how my days where when i was younger and all the intense emotions i felt. Writing is so many things to my daily life. I constantly learn new ways to write everyday , especially when i extend my vocabulary. Writing healed me, without it i do not think there is any other way i could express myself . this expertise made me realize how much i need to improve my techniques and get back to writing more , focusing and increasing my vocabulary. Also , it will help me throughout my college years and beyond , for when i eventually become an architect. Reading and Writing are extremely important for daily living , without it humans would never be able to understand things or even articulate themselves properly. Lastly, the things that caught my attention in Bunn’s article that i would like to incorporate in my own writing going forward, is different writing techniques such as ; irony , personification, hyperbole , also context and metacognition . i have also struggled with using enough writing techniques in highschool. Bunn’s article provided me the right tools to become a better writer and reader.