A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Education Narrative

“The main convention of an education narrative is to have a clear picture of what you are trying to express and to also know your audience well”. This I got from one of my colleagues and I just have to agree with this so much. To know your audience well relates to the ability of genre awareness, one of the main things is good writers are aware of their audience and purpose and genre awareness help us meet the expectations of our audience. In an education narrative, a writer is to write bout past experiences with the ability to not trying to remember exactly what happened. To basically be honest that you don’t remember as much about it, being worried that you’re not going to remember as much when you write makes it more difficult. A place to get started with your own education narrative is to write about an true experience in your life you encountered. I feel that would be a great first step, questions and concerns will be if my narrative is unbiased to others, when I write I want to always connect to my audience and not make it boring. What I’m writing about I want them to have similar experiences and for them to totally understand whatever I’m expressing. The most recent educational experience I had was related to understanding genre and also reading like a writer, I learned things about this new form of reading I would be interested in and hopefully my writing would progress going forward. In message to my colleagues and Professor Cole, feel free to share your thoughts from this or point out things to boost my knowledge on this topic, your feedback would be helpful.


  1. Mahmudur Rafei

    You did a great job at expanding and expalining what our colleague has written! Truly good writers are aware of the diversity amongst their audience.

  2. Namkha T Oedzer

    This expansion on my idea has given me deep insight to what I had turned a blind eye to. Great job!

  3. Ash

    I agree with your colleagues to express your idea and display it vividly to the audience is the key. Bringing the audience in and helping them understand the true goal of your writing not only to keep them entertained but to hopefully give a message and let them learn is the key as it helps people hopefully for the better. To hopefully not bore your audience I would say when you write go for a specific group a group you want to display your thoughts and ideas for. Example is if your writing about how you overcame a obstacle at work, you wanna target a audience that works and to make it super specific a audience that works the same position or at the same company as you do.

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