Educational narrative is the most important concept I just came across. This is very important to me because you cannot be biased if such a concept is implemented. The presentation of various opinions to the audience will give a complete understanding of the concept rather than only one, narrow understanding which everyone is supposed to accept. A great place to get started with my own educational narrative is my community which gets scrutinized by the media day in and day out. This is where I would educate people through our narrative and let them look through our lens rather than making value judgements. My knowledge about the educational narrative is based on this specific definition Narrative-based learning is a learning model grounded in the theory that humans define their experiences within the context of narratives – which serve as cognitive structures and a means of communication, as well as aiding people in framing and understanding their perceptions of the world. My concern is about blending this in my writing and at the same time providing the audience with knowledge that is not one-sided. The most recent educational experience I had was related to understanding genre and the educational narrative which I had difficulties in grasping. Thanks to my colleagues who have a better understanding of the subject provided me with correct information on the educational narrative. To conclude I would like to invite my colleagues and my professor to point out if I have anything lacking in my perspective of the educational narrative.