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Education Narrative

The main convention of an education narrative is to have a clear picture of what you are trying to express and to also know your audience well. I also think that it is very necessary to be well versed in the culture and lifestyle of your audience in order to be able to relate to, and to effectively communicate with your audience. Another important point that I find to be very necessary in an education narrative is to be open minded and to be able to accept certain situations that one is not accustomed to. In other words, to effectively convey your message to your audience, you must be willing to step out of your comfort zone. A good place to start off an education narrative would be a normal setting, a real-life situation. Something that is completely down to earth and is very relevant to your audience. For example, if your material concerns politics and the audience is more liberal about political views, it may be advisable to start off with a clever joke or a real-life experience that most people have already gone through to be able to easily relate with each other on that level. To put everything in a nutshell, educational narrators must be completely open minded and at the same time they must have a clear conscience of their own message or the particular subject they intend to narrate. They must be able to skillfully merge the subject of concern with the culture, conduct and era of their audience. The subject of concern must be made a valid piece of information to possess for the audience to be able to keep it in mind. It would also be advisable to relate the subject of concern to something that is of daily use to the audience. Such relations will constantly remind the audience of the subject, further enhancing their capacity to uphold the particular piece of information. This statement is clearly subjective to my own perspective and I encourage my peers to openly criticize my views for me to progress in my learning. I had no questions regarding an educational narrative because from my point of view I have gained a clear understanding of what an education narrative appears to be.


  1. Mahmudur Rafei

    Very informative! I like how you tied in genre awreness with the educational narrative, its all starting to make sense now.

  2. Ash

    I think communicating with your audience is important. You should be able to have them intrigued in your work and make them understand your work, so maybe they themselves can take your idea and expand on it or use it in everyday life or whatever the case for the idea is. I think it’s a good idea to step out your comfort zone to help convey your message however if your message has a clear cut point then I feel one should just make their message for a specific group and not open to everyone if it would ruin the message.

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