In the article by Mike Bunn, Bunn says that “you are already an author”. I think what he means by this is that we are all authors from the moment we start writing on a piece of paper. We all are, whether its writing notes, a joke, an essay, whatever it may be, even your own life. Someone said, “We are the authors of our own lives” and I agree with it because we live in what we have created. It’s about showing a sense of emotions, or Ideas, it can be through any platform, on a piece of paper, or online. My two favorite way I like to write is in Third-person, and first-person. I am really into writing stories, I love to create my own stories, making them funny, sad, happy, etc. I like to create emotions, make others feel different emotions throughout the story. It’s about the reaction from the reader for me. There are no restrictions on writing a story it’s what you want and your imagination and no judgment. I am not that much of a talker or presenting or anything, so I feel like writing stories is my way of escape from being shy. The existing expertise in writing will help me due to what I already know and will elevate my writing skills by looking at other techniques and see what I can use from them. There was one thing I noticed in Bunn’s article that I wouldn’t like to try but I have done is when he mentioned working in a theater and saying that he would have to focus intently on each word, and he would have to read sentences multiple times. I do that every time I read because I didn’t understand something or couldn’t see it.