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Education Narrative

Not going to lie guys, but this genres in “education narrative” went right above my head. Need some help here. So if narrative is about  literature that tells a story, from the point of view of the narrator. There is generally a single event, or a sequence of connected events, with characters, setting, and plot. What does an education narrative mean? How does that education narrative have different genres?

1 Comment

  1. Namkha T Oedzer

    Hello Mahmudur!
    Here is what I interpret education narrative as. We as humans tens to understand more when something is narrated to us in relation or addition to something we already know or something we already have experienced. It’s funny how we remember the stories narrated by our grandparents during our childhood but tend to forget what was taught in class just yesterday. So, in my opinion, education narrative is a way to educate people through narration using myriad resources and examples for the purpose of the learner to be able to relate to the subject that is being taught.
    I hope I have been of some help to you.

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