Mike Bunn’s objective is to teach college students to deliver more thoughtful analysis when reading a text. As readers we often focus more on the message or story the author is trying to get across, but disregard the most important information that will help us become better writers. We rarely stop and ask ourselves questions such as  why did the author write this way? What techniques did she/he used and what reaction that left me as a reader? In other words just think as we were the author making each part of that book or article. In this article Bunn wrote “ You are already an author” he means that we already have a foundation and some basic experience in writing. For instance, some things I already write are emails to my professors, sending text messages to friends, reacting to a post or a story on Instagram  and writing essays for my English class. Thus, the existing expertise in writing will help me to use what I know and enhance my writing skills by focusing more on the different techniques I can use and what are some of the advantages and disadvantages. Also, to question myself on what information I want my audience to absorb? But as an architecture student I will try to think like an architect when reading because it is one of the ways I can apply what I know just in a different way. So, the way I learn how to build a structure I can also build myself as a better writer and pay close attention to how the author constructed their book. Mike Bunn divides his article into different sections that informs the reader into that topic in specific but at the same time connects back to the main idea. For example, on “What Are Some Questions to Ask Before You Start Reading?” He writes about some advice his former students will give college students and some questions to keep in mind before starting to read. Thus, the different sections are very straightforward. Likewise, by choosing former students to give advice is another way Mike Bunn tries to make a closer connection to the aimed audience which makes it more engaging since they can more likely relate to. Lastly, I would like to try ending an article with a question. Bunn persuades the reader to start applying what they have just discovered in his article.