Response to Mike Bunn’s How To Read Like A Writer
Mike Bunn has written a thoroughly detailed article breaking down the concept of reading like a writer, not only reading for knowledge of the concepts discussed but also to analyze how the author has structured his paragraphs, his diction and also to think of other ways the author could have written his writings. His article is aimed at college students who have to master this art of reading like a writer and his article is the manual for a student to achieve such a skill. In his article Mike Bunn states “You are already an author”, by stating this he is telling the readers that they have already embarked on the journey to understanding how to read like a writer, in order to read like a writer you have to enter into the realm of writing yourself to understand how authors pen their works. Since he is addressing college students, we already have 12 years of writing experience starting from ABC’s to writing essays. Moreover we write text messages on a daily basis, therefore he only had to remind us that we are already authors and we can become effective readers by exercising our writing skills along with reading from the point of view of writers. As a teenager I use simple vocabulary on a daily basis but throw in a couple of fancy words once in a while to let homosapiens understand what I m trying to convey. The existing expertise of using words from my word bank to understand more sophisticated word and successfully add them to my vocabulary will allow me to grasp academic articles, express myself better, and make my writing more appealing and attractive to readers.
Mike Bunn’s article consists of many different literary techniques, but the technique that stood out the most is the structure of his article. The author starts of with an anecedote, he explains how to read like a writer and in doing so he provides examples like the example of the essay that begins with a quote from Barack Obama. He also provides steps on understanding how to read like a writer, he outlines the different procedures to achieve this skill. Later on in his article he analyzes his own anecdote and also provides alternatives to his writing style! Mike Bunn’s article just flows in a consistent manner in order to allow his readers to grasp the knowledge he is imparting. This structuring and breakdown of the whole concept plays a great part in allowing the readers to understand his point of view rather than overburdening them which is what I would like to do in my own writing, provide bite sized portions easy to grasp and connected with the next paragraph to have a consistent flow.