A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Time capsule

To be able to grow is key, we all can get better, never forget to help one another and learn from each other. Helping whoever will bring you to be a better person and grow and create ties that will last.Dear, future self

you have to be able to overcome all your obstacles, take these times and classes to help build your character and endurance. Be able to be a stronger and better you hopefully by the next time you read this you will be able to overcome whatever obstacle is in the way. To be able to push yourself and not give up is key, use your writings and words to express yourself and be able to be free. The growth is what’s needed to be seen for you, have you become determined more resilient and lastly did you never let yourself go. As long as you keep going in the right way you will be able To grow


  1. Cesar Perez

    I strongly agree with what you’re saying, life isn’t nice and we got to overcome it. This is the next part of our lives and we have to make the most of it, we can’t afford to give up.

  2. Arianny Abreu

    I also agree with your summary. Life may throw many obstacles at us, but it’s the way we continue to move on forward through it all, that truly shapes us and and leaves us gaining more and more experience in life.

    • Ash

      Yea through all these experiences were able to shape ourselves to hopefully becoming better people

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