A City Tech OpenLab Course Site


Devastated would be the word that portrays our current situation.Many of us have endured enough like myself,this pandemic at first was the least of our worries unfortunately people many people were completely oblivious as to following directions when it came to taking necessary precautions.This pandemic affected all school students especially our graduating class of 2020.Graduation and prom were two things I was looking forward too but is no longer happening.Being an online student was something I have never expected.To be honest I would prefer in class than online due to the fact I’m worried online classes won’t be as effective .However adjusting to this online environment is way more harder than expected considering  we have to use multiple different sites such blackboard,open lab, zoom and the list just keeps on going ,I’m hoping the transition from in class to online will be worth it in the long haul.

Although I cant physically post the pic I would like it would of been a picture of my grandfather who passed away just a few months ago.My grandfather had a significant impact on my life teaching me certain values especially giving back to those in need .He had always told me to always have fun in what you do but make sure it benefits you at the end.I plan on fulfilling some of the goals hes always wanted to achieve .

1 Comment

  1. Ivanna Hodziur

    I am sorry about your grandfather. I glad that you had a person who taught you positive things. Unfortunately, I have not been able to have such a person in my life. Keep thinking positively, despite failures.

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