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Category: Unit 1 (Page 6 of 28)

Tardy, Seven and a half minutes worth of writing

I was walking to school on a cold sunny winter morning, the sky was blue it was uplifting. “A sign to a good day,” I thought. I finally got to school, I go to the schoolyard all my friends are there, we sit and chat like we usually do. The bell rings, and we go to our assigned homerooms. We take attendance and when Ms. Guerrieri, my homeroom teacher, tells me that I have been called to the guidance counselor officer. That’s when Ms.Kinal tells me that the teachers have decided to move me to a different class. I had started eighth grade in the second marking period that’s when I came to the U.S. so they put me in an ESL class with my peers also being relatively new to the country. Ms. Kinal told me that the teachers recognized that ESL was too easy for me and that they’re moving me to a higher level class. I remember being very nervous as I did not believe in myself and had doubts that I would do well in those classes. In the first week, I was already having trouble, I talked to my parents about moving back to my previous class. They were reluctant at first but they had no choice but to go with it since I bothered them about every day. My dad makes an appointment with Ms. Kinal and they call me to her office. I tell Ms. Kinal that these classes are hard for me and that I want to go back to my old class. Ms. Kinal was very understanding of my situation but still refused to put me back in my previous class, which looking back I am grateful she didn’t. She told me that it might be hard at first but once I get the hang of it I will do good and excel in my classes. And that I did. Sometimes It may seem like school is too complicated and that makes you think of giving up but self-advocating and using available resources such as tutoring are very important in securing that success. However, everyone is unique and many people don’t get the recognition they deserve due to the simple fact that the education system holds people to the same standards and expects them to learn the same way. As a wise man once said “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Tardy assignment



Its the month of December and I remember sitting in the middle of the classroom near my friend , we were talking about the test and then our teacher addressed that we failed our exams . I remember it being very cold in the class up to the point that I put my jacket back on . When she said that we failed our exams I remember getting a terrible feeling . I remember seeing this big smarts-board just looking at me with our exam grades opened up . She called us up one by one to show us our grades. I did not want to go up at all, once she got to my name I saw her face change . I got up and made my way to her desk, which was full of a bunch of science materials and her huge bag she brought all the time. After I saw my grade I felt so mad at myself , for not trying harder. It was one of the last exams before the semester finished, my teacher was not very nice and did not believe in extra credit or anything like that. I just kept thinking that this Brought me down to a 75 average in her class, and she was going to give us another exam in 3 days which was our finale. Once I got to my table I told my friend my grade and she was like I got the same grade, and said don’t listen to your teacher , one bad grade doesn’t mean you will fail. Since it was a class that in the future I would have to take , it made me doubt if I would get the same grade in the future. It was sophomore year of high-school at this point , nursing started to interest me because I heard a lot of good things about it , but that one bad grade made me question maybe its not gonna be the best. What I didn’t know is that , one bad grade is not gonna change , their are a lot of people out there that fail an exam or don’t do the best , but they never say never mind it’s not gonna work. In high school I think the teachers try to scare you and say if you can’t do it now you can’t do it in the future ,which isn’t true , a student that’s an A+ student in highs cool could be a C- in college. It depends on the person . That day I was really mad and upset because I saw yellow in my grade book but after 2 days I forgot about it and did really well on the finale that I dint care about the exam that I failed.



Seven And A Half Minute Of Writing

There is this one time me and 2 other friends were riding the bike and we went to bay ridge walking path.  We brought some snacks and drink. We were talking about random stuff then I’m not sure what brought about our education system but we were talking about it. Me and my friend saying how some of our education systems changed over time and some stayed the same.  We were talking about how COVID-19 changed our education. We never thought of doing online classes fully that’s something in the future we thought would happen. Covid-19 made me realize how even the most important thing like our education system can change overnight. Also, we were talking about how the school isn’t teaching us the most valuable lesson like how to make money. Everyone tells us you need to finish your education to make a good amount of money. But there are a lot of rich people like bill gate, steve job they didn’t go to college and they became billionaires. This made me question myself about our education system.  We then moved onto college and talking about how college is all about business and how they are taking money from the student with low income. We all agreed that college should be free for all students. Sometimes some student gets accepted to their dream college but they have to let it go because of how much amount of money the college required. This makes it harder because sometimes they have to drop out for a few months so they can earn the money the college required. This delays students from their dream and their future goals. Not everyone has the same opportunity as others. Situation like this makes me think why our education system isn’t fully free.

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