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Category: Intro (Page 4 of 5)

Time capsule

My first question for my time capsule that I asked myself  is who I am going to end this years as freshman in college and with all my life problems. Especially when we’re not going to school and we had to stay home to do class online I just have to focus more than believe in myself that everything is going to be okay. Improve my listening, writing to understanding each things and how I can keep my GPA higher and I want to see myself in the future as someone who always done her work first and be more organized in my future so I can give an example of my life time to other people.

Time Capsule

Dear me,

You have made it to the end of this semester; congratulations!

I know it might not have been the most straightforward path, and I know you have been through a lot. Take a breather. You are on the clear for now. The obstacles that you went through were challenging, and with your tenacious attitude, I am sure you conquered through each of them. So how do you feel? Are you still thinking of pursuing Mechanical Engineering?  Are you still facing the same fears? Are you excited for what’s to come? Even though it may seem like there’s a long road ahead of you, time flies, and before you know it will be over. Try to stop for a time to time to appreciate where you are and how far you have come.

Speaking of which, I heard you have a winter break. So how does a trip to California, paid by yours truly of course,  sound? Get a away from the cold for a while you deserve it. Go camping again that was fun!

While you are at it listen to this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GH8-_qSXSU

Warm Regards,

Mohamed Zindani


Cindy’s Time Capsule

Hopefully by the end of year, my writing skills will have improved greatly where I don’t have to reread sentences multiples times out loud to see if my grammar is correct, or if my sentences sounds like a run-on sentence and needs to be changed. A problem I hope to overcome is finding the best words to help express what I’m trying to write. I’d like to be able to use various adjectives in my writing. My future goals correlate with good writing because in work environments, I will need to send out professional emails and I want them to be concise enough to get my point across.

The GIF I’ve attached represents how I would like to see myself typing in the future, very quickly without pausing because I would know exactly
what I want to write and the words I would like to use.
I’ve also attached an audio file of myself typing this assignment as I find the sound of keyboard typing quite nice.
I do have another small goal that I think would be nice to achieve, which is to be able to type even faster than I currently can, with no typos of course.

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